Conclusion and Questions to Discuss and Ponder...

  I do not believe that school consolidation is the answer to educational reform. After reviewing the research, I do believe that it will be taking away local control and does not have the students’ best interest in mind.  I do not believe that consolidation makes sense if it is merely about saving dollars and cents.  Unless consolidation truly does improve academic achievement, I believe the disadvantages outweigh the benefits.   I will continue to support small schools if they are truly offering students the best academic experience they can receive. I do not believe that consolidation fixes the problems in our educational system and I believe that consolidating schools is a mission with misplaced priorities.

I see consolidation affecting my work in many ways.  My farm based education programs are designed for small groups of students in an environment that values and fosters nature based learning, healthy lifestyles, local agriculture connections and a flexible, creative curriculum. My programs are all based in small schools, many of which are considering consolidation. I do not see effective, non-traditional education programs surviving a consolidation push.  Committees have been set up that are both for, and against the consolidation movement in Central Vermont.  I intend to bring my research to these meetings and share the committee members and Lamoille South Supervisory Union Regional Education District Committee what I have discovered. Our schools are doing a fine job of educating our students. 

  • If research has shown that smaller schools provide a quality education, why then are the state legislatures still pushing consolidation? 

If the greater purpose of educating our youth is indeed educating our youth, and it is clear that smaller schools provide that education, what are the state legislatures gaining by consolidating? 

  • Is it too dangerous and unpredictable to have multiple small, rural communities running their own school board and curriculum? 

Is consolidation the diminishment of democracy in education if we treat it as a business plan moving forward? 

  • When power becomes more centralized and less people are involved in the decision-making process, is that not a path away from democracy? 


                                            PLEASE! Share your thoughts!

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